GCSS Achieves Record-Breaking CCRPI Scores in 2024

Glynn County Schools have made substantial strides in academic performance across all levels, reflecting the dedication of educators, students, and the community. 

According to the Georgia Department of Education, GCSS has achieved its largest margin over the state’s single score since the inception of the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) in 2012, surpassing the state in all CCRPI indicators. The CCRPI includes the following main components: Content Mastery, Progress, Closing Gaps, Readiness, and an additional component for high schools, Graduation Rate.

The overall district score was 85.2, compared to the state’s score of 78.7. This is the highest score ever recorded in Glynn County Schools' history, placing third in the First District RESA.

Elementary School Highlights

Overall Performance:

  • Elementary schools scored 86.8 points, surpassing the Georgia state average of 82.2 points.
  • Six schools exceeded their 2019 CCRPI scores: Altama, Golden Isles, Goodyear, Greer, Oglethorpe Point, and Sterling.

Content Mastery:

  • All 10 elementary schools showed positive growth in ELA/Reading scores, with Golden Isles, Goodyear, and Sterling each achieving a 10-point gain.
  • Seven schools improved in Math performance, with Goodyear increasing by 10 points.
  • Six schools saw gains in 5th grade Science, with Greer earning a 20-point gain.

Closing Gaps and Progress:

  • Six schools scored 90 or above in Closing Gaps, with Golden Isles and Sterling earning perfect scores.
  • Altama, Greer, and Oglethorpe saw 20-point gains in Closing Gaps.
  • All elementary schools scored 84 points or higher in Progress, with several schools achieving scores of 90 points or higher.


  • All elementary schools scored perfect scores in Beyond the Core.
  • The literacy rate for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders increased to 71.22%, up from 57.2% in 2019.

Middle School Highlights

Overall Performance:

  • Middle schools are set to surpass the state average overall score, with a district score of 73.9 compared to the state average of 74.8.

Content Mastery:

  • All four middle schools showed positive growth in their overall content mastery scores.
  • Significant improvements were seen in Math, with Glynn Middle achieving a 12.9-point gain.

Closing Gaps and Progress:

  • Risley Middle made remarkable progress, earning a perfect score in Closing Gaps and a 67.9-point gain from the previous year.
  • All middle schools scored 82 points or higher in Progress.

High School Highlights

Overall Performance:

  • Both high schools saw increases in their overall scores, with Brunswick High scoring 86.9 and Glynn Academy scoring 95.1.

Content Mastery:

  • Both high schools showed positive growth in their overall content mastery scores, with GA achieving a 7.6-point gain from 2019.

Closing Gaps and Progress:

  • Both high schools earned perfect scores in Closing Gaps.
  • Both schools surpassed 2019 progress indicators, with GA showing significant progress, scoring 96.2 in 2024.

Graduation Rate:

  • The district's graduation rate increased to 98.1%, significantly higher than the state average of 85.7%. This is the highest in the district’s history and marks the second consecutive year that Glynn County Schools has held the highest graduation rate among all systems in the First District RESA.
  • BHS leads the high schools with a 98.1 percent graduation rate.

The district's achievements in the 2024 CCRPI scores highlight its commitment to providing high-quality education and preparing students for future success.
