Masks will be required for 2020-21 school year

Effective 08/12/2020, adults and students are required to wear face masks while inside a Glynn County school/facility or while riding in a Glynn County Schools’ vehicle.


Masks should be worn properly on the face and must cover the nose and the mouth. Masks should meet the requirements of the Glynn County Schools Dress Code.


Students who come to school or class without a mask will be provided a mask.


Repeated refusal to wear a mask will result in a conference with the parent/guardian to discuss virtual and distance learning options.

Exceptions based on medical needs for students and staff must be documented by a physician and that documentation will be treated as confidential and retained in the office of the principal. Some students with disabilities may be exempt based on individual needs as determined by the Director of Special Education.

Staff members may remove their masks when students are not present and social distancing from other adults is possible.


Students and adults may remove their mask when:

  • They are eating or drinking
  • Instructional needs and other activities are approved by the principal

Should a student or staff member have concerns about another person not having a mask/face covering, those issues should be addressed with the principal in a confidential manner to respect all people involved.  
