District receives guidance for safe return to in-person instruction in fall 2020

This morning, the Georgia Department of Public Education and the Georgia Department of Public Health released a document entitled Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools. This plan provides guidance, not mandates, regarding reopening school this fall.  If you wish to view the document in its entirety, please click here.

The guidance is based upon the following community-specific levels of COVID-19: substantial spread, minimal/moderate spread, and low/no spread.  The level at which a district would be placed is determined by state and local health officials.  Within each level of community spread, recommendations are then made regarding the following:

  • Preventing infection
  • Transporting students
  • Entering school buildings
  • Serving meals
  • Transitioning between classes
  • Conducting large group gatherings
  • Supporting teaching and learning
  • Protecting vulnerable populations

Based on a system’s individual needs, school will begin this fall with either in-person classes, distance learning, or a hybrid model. We will be sending a district survey soon on distance learning.  Our close communication with local and state health agencies, along with the results of this survey, will help inform our decisions regarding reopening school.  We do not yet know which level Glynn County falls within.

Thank you for your support while we begin making preparations for this fall. We look forward to welcoming our students back.
