District conducts survey on distance learning

We would like to thank all of the parents and individuals who have supported students learning at home with the online digital instruction provided by Glynn County Schools’ teachers and staff. Please know that your efforts and assistance with the process has been greatly appreciated!

While we hope to return to a normal school year in 2020-21, we want to be proactive in developing a plan using feedback received from our stakeholders should we need to continue in an alternate format.

In an effort to prepare for school next fall, we have created a very simple and short survey for you to complete for the upcoming school year to help us more fully prepare to meet the needs of the students. We would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions on the most beneficial way to move forward with education in the fall.

A link to the survey will be emailed via our One Call automated system and will be available on the Glynn County Schools’ website at www.glynn.k12.ga.us.

Thanks again for your support of student education in our district.


Distance Learning Feedback Survey
