Mrs. Rachel Loder » Technology Tips

Technology Tips

Achieve Login is through Clever now:



Directions to Access Google Classroom

  1. Go to Google Classroom: Click Here to GO to Google Classroom.
  2. Log in using your student account information.
  • Login: student pin #
  • Password: mm/dd/yy (birthdate)

o Example: If my student pin # is 12345 and my birthday is August 25, 2012,then this would be my information:

Login[email protected] 

-password: 082512

  1. Click on the math or reading classroom.You are now looking at the "Stream" for  that Google Classroom (this is where announcements are made).
  2. At the top of the page you will see a tab labeled “Classwork”. Click on it to see the assignments for the days you are missing.
  3. Onlydo the assignments for the days that your student is absent.
  • Your student will need to do the math and reading assignments  for each day that was missed until they return.