Tech & Support for Teachers
GMail (Adding as an APP & Pinning to Taskbar Directions)
Getting Started with Gmail (Disabling GMail Forwarding)
Click HERE for slide presentation with How to's
Presentation Contents:
Slide 3 - Personalizing Your Reading Pane
Slide 6 - Creating Filters
Slide 7 - Creating Rules for Filters
Slide 10 - Edit or Delete Filters
Slide 12 - Creating Filters
Slide 17 - Managing Labels
Slide 18 - Search GMail
Slide 19 - Contacts
Slide 22 - Using Contacts in GMail
Google Calendar
Click HERE for slide presentation of how to get started with your Google Calendar
New Student Google Doc
Click HERE for the New Student Google Doc. This form allows you to request a chromebook, testing headphones, ID, and lanyard colors for your new student.
Ziggi IPEVO Support
Click HERE to be redirected to the IPEVO site for Ziggi Support
Two Factor Verification & Authentication Support
Click HERE for directions on Setting up 2 Factor Verification and/or 2 Factor Authentication
Updating Chromebooks
Click HERE for directions on updating your Chromebooks with Students